
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Therapy Dog Training Interview

I had a great time meeting with Kamila and Archie today. Kamila shared her wonderful story on how her rescue dog helped her over come anxiety and PTSD.

I have worked with Kamila and Archie for about 6 months now and we have built a wonderful friendship during our dog training sessions together.
I am so proud of the effort Kamila and her partner have put into training Archie. And with this he has become a beautiful, well behaved, obedient companion and therapy dog ❤️ We will have the full story coming to you soon 🐾

The Pink Paw Program (@pinkpawprogram) • Instagram photos and videos - Google Chrome 20_11_2019 2_59_04 PM.png
Dog Handler Training Bali

Dog Handler Training Bali

Pelican School Visit NSW